This page describes a way to deploy the website.

The website is built in the _build subdirectory. To deploy it, you must transfer the contents of that subdirectory to the production web server. There are many ways to do this. An exhaustive overview is beyond the scope of this site, but we will describe one technique which is particularly elegant. This is the method used for Urubu Quickstart itself.

Urubu Quickstart is developed using git and hosted on GitHub. GitHub offers GitHub Pages as a way to host websites from the project repository itself. Technically, this is accomplished by maintaining the website content on a specific branch, called gh-pages.

If you use git and GitHub, you can deploy your website to GitHub pages with the following command:

git subtree push --prefix _build origin gh-pages    

When the gh-pages branch does not exist yet it will be created. It is a good idea to put the command in the Makefile to make it easy to use.

The website will be published at http://<username><repository>. You can also use a custom url.